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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

MEDrecerca publishes ground-breaking research findings that drive the future science to new levels of understanding. We are dedicated in publishing quality research through our prestigious journals. We welcome authors to submit their high impact discoveries and research ideas in the form of empirical papers to our MEDrecerca journals. Our selection criteria solely depend upon the quality of your submissions in terms of novelty, significance of the research, contribution of the concept to future scientific advancements. MEDrecerca journals follow single blinded peer review process for the selection of articles. All articles will be evaluated by our review board and final decision making will be done by the section editors of specific journal.

All articles should be submitted at our manuscript submission portal along with a cover letter mentioning all authors' details and duly signed by the corresponding author, manuscript draft, figures and tables. We also accept electronic mail submissions to our email id: All articles submitted to MEDrecerca should strictly adhere to the publisher formatting guidelines. We suggest the authors to understand our editorial and publication policies from the below link to understand the terms and norms of article publication with MEDrecerca.

General Guidance for Authors

MEDrecerca journals follow finely tuned and well-crafted format for article publication. All initial submissions should follow the journal suggested format which will be re-evaluated and arranged in our post-acceptance process. There are no explicit requirements in article word count or page length, but we suggest the authors to present the articles in brief and concise manner. Our basic submission check list includes;

  • Cover letter
  • Title
  • List of authors along with affiliations and contact email id
  • Abstract no longer than 300 words
  • Main body (Suggested IMRaD format) preferably in doc, docx, format.
  • References
  • Acknowledgement
  • Author Contributions Statement
  • Figure and Table Legends
  • Display Items [Figures (according to the digital images integrity and standards in eps, tiff, jpg formats) and Tables (in Word)]
  • Supplementary Information
Categories of manuscripts

MEDrecerca journals publish original research, review articles, clinical case studies, letters to editor, perspectives, opinion articles, commentaries and image articles. We provide opportunity for authors to submit their evidence-based findings and theoretical insights of high quality to our journals. Authors can refer detailed description of various article types in the table below:

Original Research Original research or research article is a significant full-length article written based on a programmed study describing a hypothesis and designed based on a particular research method. The suggested structure of research article is IMRaD including a valid result and discussion.
Review Article Review articles are conceptual articles written after summarizing the current updates on a particular topic. These articles should describe about the major advances and discoveries on the specific topic. The article discussion should suggest a new direction to the research scenario.
Clinical Case Study Clinical Case Studies are interesting clinical presentations compiled and presented with detailed description on case presentation, treatment and follow ups. These studies provide evidence-based description on the case and management of the disease.
Letter to Editor Letters to Editor are responses or comments on a published article written in a format address to the editors of the journal. Letters to editor or opinion editorials are usually written to express the views or opinion on a published piece. This is one way of communication between the author and reader enabling an open platform to discuss things.
Perspective, Opinion or Commentary Perspective, Opinion or Commentaries are scholarly articles expressing or highlighting authors viewpoint on an existing topic or these can be unique ideas/insights on an advancing research. These are group of high impact articles which opens new arenas of open discussion forums in scientific research.
Article Processing Charges

MEDrecerca is an emerging open access publisher initiated with a theme of promoting open access as the main means of communicating science. We are aiming to erase major misnomers in implementing Gold-Open Access model. Our article processing fee involves only base charges required to cover expenses related to the online hosting, article production and editing charges, cost required to maintain our highly professional team involved in technical and editorial activities, postproduction, author-proofing, quality assurance and indexing. All individual journals of MEDrecerca have specific article processing fee mentioned for individual article types. International members and allied university or society members can avail special offers on article processing fee based on pre-defined criteria.

MEDrecerca publish articles under CC BY license in an open access model where all accepted articles are available in our online repository which readers can read, share, copy, transform and use the item by providing appropriate credits. We support authors without funding support by providing discounts on article processing charges (APC), but discounts and waivers will be provided only to the most eligible candidates after detailed evaluation. We suggest the authors to check the publication fees before article submission. All requests for discounts and waivers should be requested prior to article submission. We don’t encourage final negotiations after article acceptance. We don’t charge any article submission charges; APC will be applicable only after the article acceptance.

Authorship Policy

Authorship policies of MEDrecerca states that all contributors who participated in the study or preparation of manuscript should be credited as an author. All researchers or contributors of the study should be aware about assigning authorship to other collaborators. MEDrecerca always suggest the contributors to openly discuss and decide about the order of authors as well as responsibilities. Every manuscript submitted to MEDrecerca should contain a mandatory section of Conflict of interest where authors should disclose all or any potential conflicts of interest.

All the agreements between the publisher and authors will be mediated by the corresponding author of the article. The vivid responsibilities of corresponding author includes;


  • Communicating with the publisher during the entire process of initial article submission, peer review, providing authorship details, ethical approval, gathering conflict of interest statements from authors etc.
  • The corresponding author acts as a spokesperson for all further discussions on the article with readers and other correspondences.
  • Corresponding author will receive a final article copy from the publisher and we expect them to validate the article and get the final approval from all the co-authors before proceeding with the article publication.


But any changes in the order of authors, deletion and addition of author names after article acceptance should be approved by all the contributors along with corresponding author.

Non-Author Contributors who doesn’t meet the criteria of authorship can be mentioned in the acknowledgement section of the article. The persons who have assisted in financial, editorial, technical support can be specially mentioned along with the name and details as a note of gratitude.

Data Protection Policy

MEDrecerca follows open data policy where all articles published in our journals comes under Creative Commons Attribution License, CC-BY 4.0. This facilitates data sharing and data re-use, thus improving the openness and visibility of the work. All authors are encouraged to submit Data Availability Statement agreeing their willingness to make the published article available in all possible public repositories, social media sharing platforms etc. MEDrecerca assures data protection and review confidentiality for all submissions. We also follow Double blind review according to the COPE Ethical Guidelines.

License and Permissions

MEDrecerca policies assign explicit license on the article content copyright to the authors under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC). This allows the authors to grant permission for anyone to read, re-use, print, download, and modify the article by providing appropriate credits to the author along with DOI. Articles distribution for commercial purposes is prohibited according to the policies of MEDrecerca. Special permission requests can be made at for reproduction of figures, tables, graphs, supplementary information etc.

Permissions for reuse of article content (Self-Archiving, Author re-use) Permissions for authors: MEDrecerca offers free self-archiving rights for the final accepted articles to the authors.

Author’s right for article re-distribution is limited to non-commercial purposes. Authors should get special permission from the publisher for the republication of any of the article content, translation sale, and article reprinting.

Reprint requests:
Authors will get reprints of their published papers from the publisher by paying the reprint charges. We offer reduced pricing for all our authors as a part of enhancing our scientific relation.

Permissions for Third Parties

Translation rights:
MEDrecerca allow translation rights to third parties on special request. Translation rights are provided to the third party only after the approval from the all the authors associated with the article. Translation rights will be granted under special norms and conditions where the translated article should be published in our publishing house with special remarks to the original publication.

Reprint requests:
Third-party advertisers and service providers can contact publishing house for re-print orders. Please contact for more details on reprint pricing and delivery options. Bulk reprint orders will be provided with considerable discounts on special request.

Abstracting and Indexing

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