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Dentistry and Oral Care

Dentistry and Oral Care (DOC) is a high quality open access journal that features peer reviewed articles submitted to us by authors from all over the world who are working in the field of Dentistry and Oral care and are actively involved in the research and development of diagnosis and treatment of the various problems related to Dentistry and Oral care

Aim and Scope

The aim of this journal is to disseminate knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality, scientific papers and other material on all topics relating to Dentistry and Oral Care. Dentistry and Oral Care is a peer-reviewed journal that includes a wide range of topics in this field and creates a platform for young and quality researchers to showcase their findings next to the global audience.

MEDrecerca invites you to become a part of our global community of scholars, researchers and industry partners belonging to the Dentistry and Oral care sector. It is a great place to discover distinguished and new scholars. Here you can discover bright minds that may be working on things that closely mirror your own line of research and/or interest. The possibilities are endless when you embrace the open nature of this platform and use it to your advantage.

The broad scope of Dentistry and Oral Care encompasses the conceptual and applicatory aspects of tooth pathology, endodontics, geriodontics, oral microbiology, oral biology, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, implant dentistry, forensic dentistry, primary care dentistry, maxillofacial pathology and veterinary dentistry.

The journal acts as a platform for the dissemination and exchange of information that may further the process of research and implementation of methods and tools of dental information technology, oral & maxillofacial surgery, oral medicine and raise awareness regarding the importance of dental public health.

There are numerous benefits of becoming part of the open access journal that MEDrecerca has created. Besides the wealth of high quality articles written by your peers made available to you, we also help ensure that any manuscript you submit to this platform receives maximum visibility. We do so actively through our indexing services that will add your accepted manuscript to the medical repositories and thus help your work get discovered by a greater number of professionals in your field.

The journal invites scientists and medical researchers from countries around the world to submit their original manuscripts in the form of research articles, review articles, short communications, case reports, opinion articles and commentaries.

Subjects covered by Dentistry and Oral Care include but are not limited to:






Forensic odontology

Geriatric dentistry

Pediatric dentistry

Primary Care Dentistry

Dental Pharmacology

Maxillofacial Diagnostics

Tooth pathology

Congenital or Acquired

Periodontal disease

Scaling and Root planning

Root canal

Restoration of teeth

Dental implants

Root canal therapy

Dental public health

Dental Bioinformatics

Dental Diseases:

Dental plaque


Dental calculus



Dental erosion


Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Cracked tooth syndrome

Dental trauma


Dental fluorosis


Cleft lip and cleft palate

Dental caries

Dental abscess

Oral Care:

 Oral Biology

Oral Pathology

Oral Microbiology

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and maxillofacial pathology

Oral and maxillofacial radiology

Oral medicine

Oral Surgery

Oral ulcer

Orofacial granulomatosis

Feed Back

We openly welcome feedback and constructive criticism. Your compliments, concerns and suggestions regarding our services will prove enormously helpful in making them even better.

Do you have an idea or suggestion that can influence the Open Access community? Send an email to:Info@medrecerca.international

Track Manuscript

Track the progress of your article by filling up the unique tracking id sent to you at the time of submission and click the track button.

Abstracting and Indexing

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